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Citizenship Attorney in Atlanta, Georgia

Citizenship is not just a legal status; it’s a commitment and a privilege. Becoming a U.S. citizen gives you the right to vote, obtain a U.S. passport, and enjoy the full protection of U.S. laws. It also comes with responsibilities, such as serving on a jury and paying taxes.  

For many, citizenship represents a significant milestone that allows full integration into the social and political fabric of the United States. It entails pledging allegiance to the country and upholding its Constitution. It provides security and stability, allowing individuals to fully participate in and contribute to the diverse American community. 

Welcome to PVB Law LLC. If you're exploring the path to U.S. citizenship, you have come to the right place. Paul V. Balducci, Attorney at Law is here to help you and your loved ones achieve their dream of becoming a U.S. citizen. The process can be complicated, but we can guide you every step of the way. 

Benefits of U.S. Citizenship

Becoming a U.S. citizen offers numerous benefits that can significantly impact your life. Here are some of the key advantages: 

  • Voting rights: Participate in federal, state, and local elections and have a say in the democratic process. 

  • Family reunification: Sponsor family members for permanent residency, helping to bring your loved ones closer. 

  • Travel flexibility: Obtain a U.S. passport, which allows for easier travel and protection while abroad. 

  • Job opportunities: Access to government jobs and other positions that require U.S. citizenship. 

  • Social services: Qualify for more government benefits and social services that are restricted to citizens. 

  • Protection from deportation: As a U.S. citizen, you cannot be deported or removed from the United States. 

  • Security clearance: Eligibility to apply for federal security clearances necessary for certain jobs and contracts. 

  • Financial aid: Greater access to federal grants and scholarships for education, providing better opportunities for personal and professional growth. 

Want to Become a U.S. Citizen?

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The Path to Citizenship

There are several pathways to becoming a U.S. citizen, and each route has its own set of requirements and procedures. At PVB Law LLC, our immigration law attorney assists with the following common pathways: 


Naturalization is the most common way for foreign nationals to become U.S. citizens. To qualify for naturalization, you must meet the following requirements: 

  • Permanent residency: You must have been a lawful permanent resident (green card holder) for at least five years (three years if married to a U.S. citizen) and must have lived within the United States for at least half of that time. 

  • Continuous residence: Maintain continuous residence and physical presence in the U.S. for a specified period, ensuring that any trips abroad do not exceed six months without special circumstances. 

  • Good moral character: Demonstrate good moral character and adherence to U.S. laws, which includes not having committed certain crimes, paying taxes timely, and generally upholding conduct that reflects positively on your character. 

  • English proficiency: Demonstrate proficiency in reading, writing, and speaking English, which will be tested during the citizenship interview through an English language and civics examination. 

  • Civics knowledge: Pass a U.S. history and government (civics) test covering topics such as the principles of American democracy, the structure of the government, and significant historical events and individuals. 

  • Oath of allegiance: Take an oath of allegiance to the United States, pledging loyalty and commitment to the country and its laws; this solemn vow marks the final step in the naturalization process and symbolizes a new beginning as a fully recognized U.S. citizen. 

Citizenship by Birth or Descent 

If you were born outside the U.S. to U.S. citizen parents, you might already be a U.S. citizen. In such cases, you can claim U.S. citizenship automatically without going through the naturalization process. This typically requires proving that at least one of your parents was a U.S. citizen at the time of your birth and that they met certain residency requirements in the United States before your birth.  

The rules can vary depending on your birth date and your parents' marital status at the time. You may need to provide documentation, such as your birth certificate and your parents' proof of citizenship and residence. If you were adopted by U.S. citizen parents, you may qualify for U.S. citizenship under certain requirements and circumstances. 

Derivation or Acquisition of Citizenship

Children of U.S. citizens may automatically acquire citizenship through their parents. This process, known as derivation or acquisition of citizenship, depends on various factors, such as the parent's citizenship status and residency history. 

Children must generally meet specific legal criteria to derive or acquire citizenship through their parents. Typically, the child must be under 18 years of age, and at least one parent must be a U.S. citizen either by birth or through naturalization. The child must reside in the United States in the legal and physical custody of the U.S. citizen parent.  

There may also be different rules for children born out of wedlock, where additional steps might be required to establish the parent's citizenship and, therefore, the child's eligibility. Paperwork such as the child's birth certificate and evidence of the parent's citizenship and residency are critical to verifying these claims. 

How PVB Law LLC Can Help You 

We provide personalized and comprehensive legal services to our clients. Here's how we can assist you in your citizenship journey: 

  • Consultation: Schedule a consultation with our experienced immigration attorney to discuss your eligibility and options for obtaining U.S. citizenship. 

  • Document preparation: We help you gather and prepare all necessary documents, ensuring that your application is complete and accurate. 

  • Application filing: Our team will file your citizenship application, reducing the risk of errors or delays. 

  • Interview preparation: We offer interview preparation services to help you feel confident and well-prepared for your naturalization interview. 

  • Legal representation: We provide legal representation to address and resolve any issues that arise during the process.  

Citizenship Attorney in Atlanta, Georgia 

Paul V. Balducci, Attorney at Law, is committed to defending your rights and interests throughout the citizenship process. At PVB Law LLC, we maintain the highest standards of integrity and honesty, keeping you informed and involved at every stage. If you’re in Atlanta, Georgia, call today to start your citizenship journey.